Monday, December 30, 2013


As we close out 2013 reviewing the events, what was learned and what is still left undone, let me salute you: Happy 2014! Once again we begin anew. Starting fresh is a moment by moment practice. Not only can we begin fresh each day, but we can do so in each moment. The most important thing to remember is that no matter what mistakes you make or where you may miss the mark, you always get another chance. We can press the restart button and refresh ourselves daily. In fact, in any given moment you can begin again. This is particularly important for me to remind myself. In the past, my all-or-nothing mentality had me throwing up my hands and being so critical. I remember getting into a terrible argument with my dad and feeling I had blown it, or gaining 20 pounds and thinking I had completely messed up. When I throw up my hands and stop trying, I lose self-esteem and feel badly, but what helps me today is knowing that no matter what mistakes I make, I get another chance. My intention is to have a loving attitude towards myself and live a hopeful life. One thing that I can count on is that wherever I put my mindset, that is the direction I will go. 

This year, make your intention to have intention. Be mindful of the way you set yourself up in each moment. Ask for guidance and for wisdom as you begin each action. Even the smallest action can be fueled by the source energy of creation. When you awaken in the morning, ask to be guided. When you choose your breakfast, before seeing a dear friend, or prior to scheduling a meeting, ask to be lead. Give each exchange the respect that it deserves. Each moment a treasure. Each step with intention.

Ease into this New Year softly and be the eternal beginner. A fresh starter. A "yes" person. I want to thank you all for following me, for listening to me and joining me on my journey as I witness you sharing yours. You all helped me to be a New York Times best-selling author, you made my sold-out tour a success. I loved meeting you and sharing intention cards with you, working out beside you, and hearing your struggles and joys. May you have what you desire and more of what you truly need in 2014. I look forward to sharing many moments with you as I embark on the known and the unknown. The visible and the invisible. Watch out for my new video series on Net-A-Porter: The Yoga Studio with Mandy Ingber. My new blog on The Daily Love and my new Yogalosophy App to accompany the 28-Day Mind Body Makeover book will both be coming in 2014. Join me in person this Summer at the Omega Institute for a Loving Your Body Intentionally weekend in upstate New York. There will be more, and we will find these hidden treasures day by day.

Let's start fresh! 


1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year. My wish for you in the coming year is peace and joy.
    Clipping Path
