Speaking kindly about myself has been one of the most empowering actions towards self-loving. I encourage you to speak only love about yourself this week. Should you catch yourself being critical or judgmental, take a pause. Take a long deep breath, and find another way to frame that thought.
As you begin to vocalize kindness to yourself, you will begin to notice that you are more accepting of others. Voice your love. This beautiful tool of giving is what heals us all, collectively. Begin to trust in the power of your voice. When you believe in your own impact, you will understand that your words have the power to affect change. If we want true change, we must change our minds. In order to shift your mind, begin to discipline your words. While it may feel unnatural at first, you may just find how crazy about yourself you are after all!
I would LOVE to do yoga in NYC. It's on my goals/bucket list.